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As a DWI and Criminal Defense Attorney practicing in Rockland County and the State of New York, I am often contacted by drivers who have received traffic tickets from the New York State Police. In Rockland County, the majority of these tickets are written for offenses occurring on the Palisades Interstate Parkway, New York State Thruway and the small portion of the thruway, just before the Garden State Parkway in Chestnut Ridge, New York.

In an August 13, 2014 press release, the State Police report that "[f]rom August 6 through August 12, 2014, [they] issued 22,176 tickets, more than 10,000 of them for speeding during "Speed Week".

The breakdown of these 22,176 tickets is a follows: Speed – 10, 266, Texting – 279, Cell Phone – 577, DWI – 238, and Move Over Law – 622.

The stated goal of the "Speed Week" campaign and enforcement year round, is to reduce speed related crashes and improve safe travel for drivers and passengers on New York's roads.

Drivers receiving tickets for any of these charges should keep in mind that the accumulation of 3 speeding convictions or 11 points within an 18 month period will result in the revocation or suspension of their NY driving privileges (regardless of where you are licensed.)

Additionally, the accumulation of 6 points will result in the New York State DMV imposing a driver's responsibility assessment of $100.00 per year, for 3 years (they will also charge $25.00 per point, per year for 3 years for each point in excess of the initial 6.)

If you have received a traffic ticket or been arrested in Rockland County or the State of New York, please feel free to give me a call at 845-638-9200 to discuss how I can help you.

Brian Berkowitz, is a former prosecutor and a DWI, Criminal Defense and Traffic TicketAttorney representing clients in Rockland County and the State of New York.

Law Office of Brian Berkowitz, 222 North Main Street, New City, NY 10956. 845-638-9200.


TWITTER: @BerklawBrian

FACEBOOK: Law Office of Brian Berkowitz

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