Moving Violations in New York
A Skilled Rockland County, New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer is Ready to Help
A moving violation is any traffic violation committed by a motorist while their vehicle is in motion. Many different violations fall under this category and, depending on the circumstances, they can be particularly damaging to a driver's record. This is especially true due to the cumulative nature of New York's traffic violation points system.
If you have received a ticket for a moving violation in Rockland County or the State of New York, it is possible to fight it and protect your driving record. At my firm, the Law Office of Brian Berkowitz, I have helped countless drivers fight their traffic tickets. With my firm in your corner, I will work tirelessly to keep your driving record in the best standing possible.
Before you plead guilty or pay your fine, explore you legal options. Contact my firm today.
Out of State Drivers
Out-of-State drivers receiving tickets in Rockland County and the State New York are subject to many of the same sanctions as New York State licensees. Additionally, they may also be subject to points and other penalties once these convictions are reported to their home State.
Common Moving Violations
Unlike other violations, like parking or seatbelt violations, moving violations are considered especially serious. This is because the motorist is in motion on the road and his or her behavior may be putting others at risk.
Common moving violations and their point value include:
- Speeding less than 11 mph over the limit (3 points)
- Speeding: 11-20 mph over the limit (4 points)
- Speeding: 21- 30 mph ove the limit (6 points)
- Speeding: 31- 40 mph over the limit (8 points)
- Speeding more than 40 mph over the limit (11 points)
- Illegal lane change (3 points)
- Driving left of center line or in the wrong direction (3 points)
- Failing to stop for school bus (5 points)
Remember: incurring three speeding violations or 11 points or more over an 18-month period can result in a license suspension from the DMV. What also comes with points on your license is a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee. Depending on the number of points on your license and the severity of the traffic convictions, you will be required to pay anywhere from $75 to $250 annually for three years. Failure to pay this assessment fee means another license suspension. Fight your traffic violation and retain your privileges. Contact my firm today.
I'm ready to start assessing your case with an initial consultation.